Amicus Curiae Wadas Dibanjiri Ancaman, Cabut Izin Perusakan


Desa Wadas merupakan desa yang terancam akan penggusuran paksa akibat rencana pemerintah untuk mengambil bahan material berupa batuan andesit di Desa Wadas untuk keperluan Proyek Bendungan Bener yang merupakan Proyek Strategis Nasional. Warga Desa Wadas dengan jelas menolak untuk menyerahkan tanahnya untuk dijadikan lokasi pertambangan material pembangunan Bendungan Bener. Meski demikian, melalui Surat Keputusan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Nomor 590/20 Tahun 2021 tentang Pembaruan Atas Penetapan Lokasi Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Bendungan Bener di Kabupaten Purworejo dan Kabupaten Wonosobo Provinsi Jawa Tengah (SK 590/20/2021), warga Desa Wadas menjadi kembali dihantui oleh ancaman penggusuran paksa. SK 590/20/2021 itu sendiri mengandung berbagai permasalahan, di mana SK 590/20/2021 dinilai cacat baik dari aspek prosedural maupun substansi. Selain itu, menjadikan Desa Wadas lokasi aktivitas pertambangan batuan andesit untuk keperluan pembangunan bendungan bener juga memiliki dampak sosial-ekonomi dan lingkungan terhadap kehidupan warga Desa Wadas itu sendiri. Maka dari itu, SK 590/20/2021 kini digugat di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Semarang. Terkait hal tersebut, BEM FH UI, BEM FH Undip, BEM FH Unpad, BEM FH Unair, dan Dema Justicia UGM telah menyusun amicus curiae sebagai bahan pertimbangan majelis hakim dalam Perkara 68/G/2021/PTUN.SMG yang pada intinya menuntut agar SK 590/20/2021 dibatalkan. 

Kata Kunci: Desa Wadas, amicus curiae, penggusuran paksa, maladministrasi, cacat prosedural, cacat substansi


Wadas Village is a village that is threatened by forced evictions due to the government’s plan to take materials in the form of andesite rock in Wadas Village for the purposes of the Bener Dam Project, which is a National Strategic Project. The residents of Wadas Village clearly refuse to give up their land to be used as a mining site for the construction of the Bener Dam. However, through the Decree of the Governor of Central Java Number 590/20 of 2021 concerning Renewal of the Determination of Land Acquisition Locations for the Construction of the Bener Dam in Purworejo Regency and Wonosobo Regency, Central Java Province (SK 590/20/2021), Wadas Village residents are again haunted by the threat of forced evictions. SK 590/20/2021 itself contains various problems, where SK 590/20/2021 is considered flawed from both procedural and substantive aspects. In addition, establishing Wadas Village as a location for andesite mining activities for the purposes of building the Bener Dam also has a socio-economic and environmental impact on the lives of the residents of Wadas Village. Therefore, SK 590/20/2021 is now being sued at the Semarang State Administrative Court. Regarding this matter, BEM FH UI, BEM FH Undip, BEM FH Unpad, BEM FH Unair, and Dema Justicia UGM have made an amicus curiae as a consideration for the panel of judges in Case 68/G/2021/PTUN.SMG, which in essence demands that SK 590/20/2021 to be  cancelled.

Keywords: Wadas Village, amicus curiae, forced evictions, maladministration, procedural defects, substance defects

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