Pernyataan Sikap atas Represivitas Aparat dan Maladministrasi yang Terjadi di Desa Wadas


Pada 23 April 2021, kembali terjadi kasus represivitas aparat terhadap warga Desa Wadas di Kabupaten Purworejo. Tindakan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penolakan warga terhadap pengadaan lahan untuk keperluan pembangunan Bendungan Bener sebagai bagian dari Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN). Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Yogyakarta menyatakan ada sekitar 11 orang yang ditahan secara paksa dan beberapa lainnya luka-luka. Pengadaan tanah di Desa Wadas untuk pembangunan Bendungan Bener sejatinya cacat secara prosedural, mulai dari Izin Penetapan Lingkungan (IPL) yang hanya mencakup izin pengadaan tanah hingga tidak adanya Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) atas quarry andesit yang akan diadakan di Desa Wadas. Selain itu, tindakan represif dari aparat kepolisian dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia terhadap warga Desa Wadas pada dasarnya merupakan pelanggaran hukum dan hak asasi manusia. Maka dari itu, melalui pernyataan sikap ini, aliansi BEM FH UI, BEM FH UNPAD, BEM FH UNDIP, BEM FH UNAIR, dan Dema Justicia UGM mengecam dan melawan represivitas aparat serta mendesak pemerintah untuk segera menghentikan pembangunan PSN Bendungan Bener dan meninjau kembali penetapan Desa Wadas sebagai lokasi penambangan andesit yang mengabaikan IUP, Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, serta Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah.

Kata Kunci: Desa Wadas, represivitas aparat, maladministrasi


On April 23, 2021, there was another case of repressive actions against residents of Wadas Village in Purworejo Regency. This action was motivated by the residents’ refusal to acquire land for the construction of the Bener Dam as part of the National Strategic Project (PSN). Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Yogyakarta stated that around 11 people were forcibly detained and several others were injured. The land acquisition in Wadas Village for the construction of the Bener Dam was procedurally flawed, starting from the Location Determination Permit (IPL) which only included a land acquisition permit to the absence of a Mining Business Permit (IUP) for the andesite quarry which was to be held in Wadas Village. In addition, the repressive actions of the police and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) against the residents of Wadas Village are violations of law and human rights. Therefore, through this statement, the alliance of BEM FH UI, BEM FH UNPAD, BEM FH UNDIP, BEM FH UNAIR, and Dema Justicia UGM condemns and fights against the repressive actions aimed at Wadas Village residents as well as urges the government to immediately stop the construction of the Bener Dam and review the use of Wadas Village as an andesite mining location that ignores IUP, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Regional Spatial Plans.

Keywords: Wadas Village, repressive actions of the police and the Indonesian National Armed Forces, maladministration

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